Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A funny thing happened this weekend....

Apparently if you leave a laptop out on the dining room table, your guests will help themselves to it. To check their e-mails. And not sign out.

I am now the surprised owner of the knowledge that Sam's cousin is not in the monogamous relationship that she thinks. Her dumbass boyfriend didn't think to sign out of his Yahoo account after he checked his e-mail. I had no clue until I clicked into what I thought was MY Yahoo e-mail.

He is still signed up for the Latin version of and is getting e-mails from women regularly. And doesn't delete them. A quick check of his sent items confirmed he is corresponding with several of them.

What to do, what to do.....


Heather said...

ooohhh....sticky, sticky.

if it were someone very close to me and it was their significant other who was cheating, I'd blow the horn on them faster than they could take their pants off and jump into bed for no-no sex.

if it's an aquaintance, i'd probably keep the info to myself, but loathe him or her and wish for karma to take over ASAP. preferably in the form of a nasty std.

Reticent Writer said...

Thanks for the feedback, Heather. I am kinda torn. I got the info by being sneaky though he was the one who left the info on my computer. This is Sam's cousin who I have known for over 12 years though we aren't close. She was a total bitch to him all weekend so I can understand why he wouldn't want to be with her but if that is the case, he should break it off. I'm stuck....

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh damn.

i guess it would depend on how close you are to the girlfriend. if you have no allegiance to her, I wouldn't say anything.

Reticent Writer said...

Well my allegiance isn't really an issue. We chat when she comes here or at Thanksgiving but other than knowing her for over 12 years, I really don't "owe" her anything. Plus given that we aren't close I don't think she would take it well from me. I don't even know the full extent of their relationship. She doesn't share like that. If I tell and she isn't surprised then I tell on myself for being a snoop and they both hate me.

Can you hear all my excuses for saying nothing? LOL!